Thursday, 13 October 2011

how to adjust the volume in Sound object

//define somewhere in your class
private var soundPinkPanther:Sound, soundChannelPinkPanther:SoundChannel;

//load the sound
    soundPinkPanther = new Sound(new URLRequest("audio/PinkPanther.mp3"));
//start to play,10);   //start immidiatelly

//turn off the volume
    soundChannelPinkPanther.soundTransform=new SoundTransform(0,0);
//turn it on again
    soundChannelPinkPanther.soundTransform=new SoundTransform(1,0);
//turn it on at middle volume
    soundChannelPinkPanther.soundTransform=new SoundTransform(0.5,0);

In this example, in order to adjust volume I am creating a new SoundTransform object and I assign it to soundChannelPinkPanther.soundTransform. There is no other way :( this way I taken from adobe's (complex example).

If you try something like this
your will take no effect.

This strange way in order to change the volume, doesn't meet the know OOP way. I hope in future Adobe correct this strange things...